When times are tough, try to keep in mind that for other individuals, the life you moan about is just a dream.
In the United States today, one in seven children experiences hunger every day and in every neighborhood.
Many various things can indicate food insecurity, such as an entirely empty pantry and no money in the budget to restock it, parents skipping meals to ensure their child has a full plate, and families that must choose between paying their rent and buying groceries at the end of the month.
Every night, over one in ten people around the world go to bed hungry.
It's very simple to say it's not my family so it’s not my responsibility to help, but it's wrong because we are supposed to assist one another in times of need. How long can we wait and just watch? If we all learn to share with one another we can end food waste.
We can end the world hunger!
Many people across North America, South America, the east, the west, the south, and the north struggle to feed their families or themselves every day, whether they're homeless or have low-paying jobs. We need to learn to fight for others, whether it's by donating $1 or more, making sandwiches for shelters, or maybe you have food in your fridge that hasn't been opened that you can donate. You can also donate food, water, or money.
It is tragic that despite the fact that the globe generates 4 billion metric tons of food—more than enough to feed everyone—one-third of it is wasted, leaving hundreds of millions of people hungry. Don't let anything waste, then!
Each day we take our lives for granted, but the majority of us have food on the dinner table waiting for us when we get home and a roof over our heads, while others don't and some live in the cold and damp weather instead of being in a warm house. Today, save a human being. Open your heart. Don't take life for granted today because we have more than others and can assist those who sleep on the streets and feel alone because we pass them by without stopping to see what they need.
Giving them your support would be greatly appreciated. Food is the answer to hunger. the practice of feeding starving children and adults.
“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back. – Denzel Washington”